Please find below all HR Policies and Procedures relating to Fire Service Grey Book employees.

Terms and Conditions 

National Joint Council For Local Authorities' Fire and Rescue Services, Scheme of conditions of service (Sixth edition).

This document covers the national terms and conditions for operational staff of local authority fire and rescue services. 

NJC Grey Book (PDF 305KB)


Fire and Rescue Service Pay

Please find links to NJC for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Services joint circulars containing revised pay and CPD rates, reflecting an increase of 1.5%. With effect from 1 July 21.

NJC circular 4 - 21 - Pay Award (PDF 246KB)

NJC Circular 5 - 21 CPD Increase (PDF 115KB)

The disciplinary procedure is intended to support managers and employees under the grey book terms and conditions where misconduct issues arise. 

Misconduct is any type of behaviour or conduct at work (and in some cases outside of work) that falls below the required standard of behaviour of Cumbria County Council employees' or is in breach of the Council's policies, procedures or code of conduct. 

Grey Book Disciplinary Procedure (WORD 482KB) 

This document is intended to provide advice and guidance to managers and employees on the local agreement of agreed outcomes as a mechanism to resolve a disciplinary issue.

Agreed Outcomes Procedure (WORD 252KB) 

The capability procedure is intended to support managers and employees under the grey book terms and conditions where capability issues arise.

Capability Procedure (WORD 288KB)

The procedure is intended to support managers and employees under the grey book terms and conditions who are absent from work with the aim of helping the employee return to work and maintain their attendance.

Please see the Fire Service Absence and Wellbeing Pages for further guidance and resources.

The grievance procedure is intended to help resolve concerns, problems or complaints which grey book employees wish to raise in a prompt and fair manner.

Grievance Procedure (WORD 249KB) 

This section is designed to give support, advice and guidance to managers and employees regarding alcohol or drug misuse and to provide information on how to access confidential support.

Drug and Alcohol Policy (PDF 334KB)

The Maternity, Adoption, Paternity and Parental Leave scheme outlines the provisions available to new and expectant/adoptive parents and to explain the processes to be followed by both employees and line managers in relation to these.

Maternity, adoption, paternity and parental leave procedure(DOC 320KB)

Further guidance can be found in the additional tabs. 

This guidance provides additional guidance to employees and managers employed under the grey book terms and conditions to the information provided in Cumbria County Council Maternity Scheme.

Maternity Uniform Policy (WORD 106KB)

This document details the arrangements and responsibilities within Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) for compliance with the Cumbria County Council (CCC) Safety Procedure for New and Expectant Mothers.

New and Expectant Mothers (WORD 267KB) 

Further information for managers on carrying out risk assessments can be found on the corporate Health & Safety pages and the following documents. 

Corporate Health and Safety Procedure 15 - Risk Assessment (PDF 171kb) 

Risk Assessment Template (WORD 30KB)

Health and Safety Executive information and advice for managers and employees

This document provides managers with guidance on what to consider when supporting an employee who is returning to work following maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave. 

Return to work guidance [91KB WORD]

There are various policies and procedures which managers and employees may find useful in considering when planning for or returning from maternity/paternity/adoption/shared parental leave. 

For requesting changes to working arrangements or a career break for additional leave:

For requesting a change to work location:

Further signposting for additional wellbeing support: 

An Occupational Health referral may be appropriate if additional advice is required on pregnancy-related health issues or health issues impacting an employee's return to work: 

The probation policy is intended to provide advice to employees and managers regarding the two year probationary period for all new firefighters.

Probation Policy (WORD 248KB)

This policy sets out the CFRS approach to transfers of Wholetime/Flexi Operational Staff to ensure fairness, transparency, equality of access and consistency

Transfer Policy (WORD 266KB) 

The Service Fitness Policy sets out the fitness standards expected for all operational fire service employees and contains advice and guidance on the testing procedures and the support available to employees.

Fitness Policy (DOC 382KB)

This Mentoring Support Policy provides advice and guidance for the management of the Mentoring Support Scheme within Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service. 
The  Scheme is designed to support newly appointed personnel through their initial period of employment with CFRS.

Mentoring Support Scheme (WORD 245KB) 

The Awards Commendation supports and encourages all managers to give due recognition to their colleagues, partners and staff by giving thanks and praise through the nomination for awards and commendations.

CFRS Awards and Commendations Policy (WORD 320KB) 


This document sets out the procedure to be followed in cases where ill health retirement has been identified as a possible outcome. This Procedure refers to Fire Service related pension schemes only.  


Link to: Ill Health Retirement Procedure (WORD 5016KB)

Link to: Fire Service Internal Dispute Resolution Appeal Procedure (WORD 459KB) 

The purpose of this Policy is to provide an overview of the promotion processes which take place within Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS)

Promotion Policy (WORD 88KB) 

If you have membership in either of the Firefighters 1992 or 2006 pension scheme and you leave and draw your pension (under any circumstances) your pension will be subject to abatement if you are re-employed or re-engaged by Cumbria County Council in any capacity. Abatement applies where your salary for the new employment, when added to the pension in payment (plus inflation) is more than the salary you received (plus inflation) at the point you retired/ left. In these circumstances the pension will be reduced to bring the level of total pay back in line with the salary at leaving. Abatement will normally be applied in full in all circumstances.

You will need to declare that you are in receipt of a relevant fire service pension in the event of any new employment with Cumbria County Council, to the Council and Your Pension Service. Overpayments will be reclaimed so it will be in your interests to discuss the matter with the recruiting manager at the time of your new appointment.  It is your responsibility to seek independent financial advice. 

Retirement, re engagement and abatement - Fire Service (WORD 262KB)

This Policy details the method of achieving and maintaining Continual Professional Development (CPD) and associated payments for all Grey Book staff working either the Wholetime or On-call duty systems. The policy includes arrangements for administration, eligibility and assessment criteria.

Link to: Continuous Professional Development (doc 122KB)