Current Planning Policy within Cumbria

The Local Plan is the starting point for considering planning applications for development in Cumbria. Decisions should be made in accordance with the relevant Local Plan unless there are material considerations which indicate otherwise.

Cumbria County Council is responsible for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan for Cumbria (with the exception of the National Parks).  The six District Councils and two National Park Authorities have to produce Local Plans for their areas for all other types of development such as for housing and employment land.

The development of Local Plan Policy needs to be supported by a robust evidence base, including of the infrastructure required to support growth.

Cumbria County Council is a statutory consultee in the preparation of Local Plans and works closely with the District Councils and National Park authorities to ensure that policy that is prepared is deliverable and will support the sustainable development of Cumbria.

The County Council also has the responsibility for the preparation of the Local Transport Plan for Cumbria

More information on the Local Plans in Cumbria: