We monitor food standards in a variety of ways:

Inspection and Sampling

If you are a business which manufactures or supplies food and drink you may be visited or contacted as part of our routine inspection and sampling programme.  Our purpose is to ensure the composition, quality, labelling, advertising and presentation of food complies with legal requirements.  Wherever possible we will provide you with advice and guidance to meet your legal obligations.

Advice to Businesses

If you are a Cumbrian business and require advice on food labelling or on the compositional requirements for any product you make, or are thinking of making then please contact us and an officer will be pleased to assist you.

Food Alerts

These are issued by the Food Standards Agency and usually relate to a product withdrawal or recall by a manufacturer or retailer.  We will contact you if you have any affected foods but you can receive the alerts by signing up at www.food.gov.uk/subscribe

Allergens and Intolerances

If you are a business or consumer who wishes to find out more about allergen requirements, please visit our Allergen and Intolerance toolkit.

Follow us on Twitter

Contact us on 01539 713594 or trading.standards@cumbria.gov.uk

Further Information

Business Advice www.businesscompanion.info

Food Standards Agency www.food.gov.uk