
The grievance procedure can be found below. Whether you are an employee wishing to raise a grievance or a manager / employee involved in the grievance procedure, it is advised that you read the documents below in full.

Grievance Procedure (doc267KB)

Grievance Process Map

These documents apply to all employees of the county council and all school based staff. They do not apply to "Grey Book" staff i.e. Fire Service who have grievance procedures incorporated into their terms and conditions.

The drop down options below also contain a summary of the main stages within the grievance process. You will also find Frequently Asked Questions and useful template letters, forms and resources that may be used throughout the process.

Employees should aim to settle most grievances informally with their line manager.  The council/school  encourages open communication between managers and employees. Many problems can be settled quickly during the course of everyday working relationships.
Where the problem concerns the immediate line manager, employees should discuss the matter with the next line of management.

A record should be kept of the meeting and the outcome of the informal discussion.

There are currently no template letters or resources available for this step of the Grievance procedure.

However if there are any resources or templates you feel would be beneficial, please request these by contacting a member of the People Management Service on 01228 221231.

If you would like advice, please contact the People Management Service via the People Management Portal link below and a member of the team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Link to: People Management Portal

Where a grievance is serious or an employee has attempted to raise a problem informally without success, the employee should raise it formally in writing with the appropriate line manager.

When stating their grievance, the employee should clearly state:

a) Why they are raising a formal grievance, and the nature of the grievance.
b) The outcome or resolution they are looking for. This needs to be reasonably achievable.

If the above is not clear the manager/headteacher should contact the employee to request this information prior to a meeting being arranged.

Receipt of the formal grievance should be acknowledged by the manager/headteacher in writing within 5 working days.  The manager/headteacher will arrange a meeting with the employee within 5 working days and confirm this in writing advising them of their right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or work colleague.  In a school setting this will be a meeting of the Committee of the Governing Body (the Committee)

The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the grievance with a view to resolving the matter. Managers/the Committee should remember that a grievance meeting is not the same as a disciplinary meeting, and is an occasion when discussion and dialogue may lead to an amicable resolution/

It is generally good practice to adjourn a meeting before a decision is taken about how to deal with an employee's grievance. 

The following template letters / resources are available for this step of the Grievance procedure.

Link to: Acknowledgement of formal grievance

Link to: Invite to formal grievance meeting (individual grievance)

Link to: Sample outline agenda meeting or appeal

If there are any further resources or templates you feel would be beneficial, please request these by contacting a member of the People Management Service on 01228 221231.

If you would like advice, please contact the People Management Service via the People Management Portal link below and a member of the team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Link to: People Management Portal

It is generally good practice to adjourn the formal grievance meeting before a decision is taken about how to deal with an employee's grievance.

This allows time for reflection and proper consideration. It also allows for any further checking of any matters raised, if required. If it is possible to reach a decision within a short timescale, the meeting will be reconvened and the decision given.

Once additional checking has been completed the meeting should be reconvened and the employee advised of the outcome.

The manager/headteacher must ensure that any action taken is monitored and reviewed, as appropriate, so that it deals effectively with the issues.

After the meeting the manager/the Committee must within 5 working days set out clearly in writing their decision in response to the grievance, any action that is to be taken, and the employee's right of appeal.

The following resources and templates may be useful to use during this stage of the Grievance process:

Link to: Reconvened meeting template following investigation

Link to: Outcome of Formal Grievance Meeting

Request additional resources / templates

If there are any resources or templates you feel would be beneficial, please request these by contacting a member of the People Management Service on 01228 221231.

If you would like advice, please contact the People Management Service via the People Management Portal link below and a member of the team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Link to: People Management Portal

Where an employee feels that their grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved they have the right of appeal to another senior manager who was not involved in the original meeting or decision, and who will have the authority to overturn the original decision. Appeals should be lodged in writing within 5 working days of receipt of the outcome letter, clearly stating

(a) Why they do not accept the original decision
(b) What outcome or resolution they are looking for. This needs to be reasonably achievable.

Receipt of the letter of appeal should be acknowledged within 5 working days and a meeting arranged between the manager dealing with the appeal and the aggrieved employee, as soon as possible. In a school setting this will be a meeting of the Appeals Committee of the Governing Body.

They should take the same steps that were, or should have been, taken when the grievance was first heard. For example, witnesses who gave evidence at the meeting will be required to give evidence again, the employee who raised the grievance will need to put their points forward and all the original documentation should be reconsidered.

In complex cases, the Manager/Committee should consider whether it is necessary to appoint an investigation officer. Guidance for investigating officers is contained within the disciplinary procedure guidance. Link to: disciplinary guidance

Appeals will be dealt with speedily whilst still allowing the employee reasonable time to prepare their case.
After the appeal meeting the manager/committee must inform the employee of their final decision, within 5 working days.
There is no further right of appeal.

The following resources and templates may be useful to use during this stage of the Grievance process:

Link to: Invite to Appeal Meeting

Link to: Outcome of Appeal

Request additional resources / templates

If there are any resources or templates you feel would be beneficial, please request these by contacting a member of the People Management Service on 01228 221231.

If you would like advice, please contact the People Management Service via the People Management Portal link below and a member of the team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Link to: People Management Portal