As long as it is safe, you are generally better off living at home or within your family and planning when to move.  Homelessness (leaving home in an unplanned way with nowhere to go) at a young age, should be avoided wherever possible.  Living alone at an early age can be lonely and stressful, so think twice!  Plan ahead and don't leave in a hurry.

If you really are not able to stay at home safely, if you are in danger or you simply don't know what to do then please do contact us.

Helen Walker - Allerdale and Copeland Localities on 07825 340628

Lisa Williams - Carlisle Locality on 07825 097991

Although it may sound like a good idea to get your own flat, in supported accommodation for example, the reality can be very different.  If you're thinking you want to move out just because you're not getting on with your mum and dad or carer(s), there are still lots of rules in supported accommodation and you will not get a place if you really don't need it.

It's hard to live on your own if you don't have much money.  Most young people will have to share with other people in private rented accommodation.  You may not know or want to share with other people but it may be your only option.

Cumberland Council always encourages young people to stay at home with their families whenever possible.  There are agencies who can work with young people and their families to try to keep them together and help to rebuild relationships.