The Care Act has introduced a national eligibility threshold for care and support. This means that all councils consider the same level of care and support needs when they assess what help they can give you.
To find out if you are eligible for care and support you will need to have an assessment. There are two kinds of assessment:
- an assessment of your own care and support needs; and
- a carer's assessment, if you are looking after someone else
Assessments of your own needs are carried out by a member of our staff such as a Social Worker, Social Care Worker or Occupational Therapist. You can ask for an assessment at your local Adult Social Care office.
Carer's assessments are carried out by carer's organisations linked to Carers Support Cumbria. You can ask for a carer's assessment from your local carer's organisation. You can also ask for a carer's assessment from our staff through your local Adult Social Care office.
The factsheet on eligibility for care and support services (PDF 217kb) tells you more about the eligibility criteria.
To decide if you are eligible, we will consider three questions:
Do your needs arise from or are related to a physical or mental impairment or illness?
Do your needs mean you are unable to achieve two or more of the outcomes listed below?
Does not being able to achieve these outcomes result, or is likely to result, in a significant impact on your wellbeing?
The eligibility threshold for care and support needs as a carer follows a similar approach. To decide if you are eligible, we will consider three questions:
Do your needs arise as a consequence of providing necessary care for an adult?
Do your needs mean:
(a) your physical or mental health is, or is at risk of, deteriorating; or
(b) you are unable to achieve any of the specified outcomes?Does this impact on your health or not being able to achieve these outcomes result, or is likely to result in a significant impact on your wellbeing?