In this area we will aim to point you towards interesting videos on the internet relating to how we work.

None of these videos are meant to be a 'how to' guide but more just interesting insights to inspire us to look further into some of the major factors and areas which may inform the way in which we support young people moving towards independence.

The first spotlight is on Daniel Siegal…….

Dr. Dan Siegel's unique ability to make complicated scientific concepts exciting has led him to be invited to address diverse local, national and international groups of mental health professionals, neuroscientists, corporate leaders, educators, parents, public administrators, healthcare providers, policy-makers, mediators, judges, and clergy. He has lectured for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google University, London's Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and TEDx.

Dan Siegal released a book based on trying to understand the adolescent brain called:

Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain

An Inside-Out Guide to The Emerging Adolescent Mind, Ages 12 to 24


Between the ages of 12 and 24, the brain changes in important, and oftentimes maddening, ways. It's no wonder that many parents approach their child's adolescence with fear and trepidation. According to renowned neuropsychiatrist Daniel Siegel, however, if parents and teens can work together to form a deeper understanding of the brain science behind all the tumult, they will be able to turn conflict into connection and form a deeper understanding of one another.

In Brainstorm, Siegel illuminates how brain development impacts teenagers' behaviour and relationships. Drawing on important new research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology, he explores exciting ways in which understanding how the teenage brain functions can help parents make what is in fact an incredibly positive period of growth, change, and experimentation in their children's lives less lonely and distressing on both sides of the generational divide.

Below are some excerpts from his lectures at the Dalai Lama centre.

Resilience Short Films

Whitewood and Fleming

My Story

We love this film - if you want to know what its like living in care, you should watch this true story - a teenage girl talks about her experiences in this short and moving animation, we hope you agree that she has done a fantastic job.

Originally made this for the BBC E20 website.