Event: Bang Your Fist

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Over the past 6 months we have been scared, incarcerated, out of work and some of us have been bereaved. Levels of uncertainty around health, loved ones, travel, income, exam results, food, loo roll, the hair dressers and the dentist have been unprecedented in peace time. As a society we are collectively on the change curve. And collectively, we are ranting. The change curve informs us that it's ok to be angry. Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process... the more you truly feel it, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal (Kubler Ross) Being angry will help us shift to acceptance and enable us to get on with our new lives in a healthy and positive way. Join the rant-fest with international coach Heather Turner and produce posters to illustrate, educate, inform, share or simply get it all off your chest.
08 November 2020
10:00 - 16:00
Venue Name: The Studio Morland
Organised by: The Studio Morland
The Square
CA10 3EX

Contact Name: Kate Brundrett
Telephone: 01931714070
Cost £70.00