Event: Novels That Shaped Our World - May

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Throughout 2020 we are taking part in the BBC's year of Novels That Shaped Our World. Mays theme is The Politics Power & Protest. These novels are stories about the ideas, people and power struggles that shaped worlds. Many feature characters with ideas out of step with their societies, from Atticus Finch's attitudes to class and race in To Kill A Mockingbird to Bernard Marx's dissatisfaction with the world order in Brave New World. Come in to see our display and follow along on social media. #MyBookLife
01 May 2020 - 30 May 2020
09:30 - 16:00
Venue Name: Barrow Library
Organised by: Barrow Library
Ramsden Square
Barrow In Furness
LA14 1LL

Contact Name: Reception
Telephone: 01229407373
Website: http://
Cost Free