Event: Penrith Pumas Wheelchair Rugby Club (WRC)

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Penrith Pumas WRC is the County's first Wheelchair Rugby Club, the first of its kind. The sport is open to anyone over the age of 16 with or wihtout a physical impairment who want to try a new sport, meet new people and feel part of a team again. You don't need to worry about any equipment as it is all provided. All you have to do it turn up and be prepared to have some fun whilst learning something new. The first two weeks are free then Monthly Membership applies.
14 January 2020
19:00 - 21:00
Venue Name: Penrith Leisure Centre
Organised by: Megan & Gary Pettit
Southend Road,
CA11 8JH

Contact Name: Megan Pettit
Telephone: 07399539027
Cost £30.00