Community Equipment Service

The Community Equipment Service (CES) help people across Cumbria to stay active, comfortable and independent in their own homes. The team deliver, install, maintain and collect equipment such as beds and hoists which mean people can continue to enjoy day to day activities in their own home, they would otherwise be unable to. Equipment is also provided to support care staff to provide ongoing home care. 

To access the equipment you need, an assessment will be completed by a trained professional, whether that is through the council or NHS.  Once your needs have been assessed and you have been prescribed equipment, the CES team will contact you to arrange delivery.  They will make sure any large equipment, such as beds and mattresses, arrives at your home, is set it up for you and you are shown how to use it. You may also be prescribed smaller pieces of equipment such as trolleys or perching stools which can be collected from a shop near you through our accredited retailers.