School Organisation - Statutory proposals

Whenever a Local Authority or other proposer such as a governing body or the Church wishes to make a change to the current organisation of schools, it requires the publication of a statutory proposal to bring such a change about.

Such changes include proposals to cease to maintain, i.e. close existing schools, open new schools or make other changes to existing ones such as changing the age range, expanding or adding special needs facilities.

Given below are statutory proposals affecting maintained schools in Cumbria published after 25 May 2007.

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 changed completely the way decisions on such statutory proposals are made.  From 25 May 2007, most decisions on statutory proposals are made by the Local Authority responsible for Children's Services which in the case for Cumbria is the County Council.

Should you wish to have access to further information on this process and the guidance for decision makers this can be found on the DfE School Organisation Website.