To find out about childcare providers and childminders in your area contact us or select 'Find a Childcare Provider' on the menu to the left.

General advice and support with financial hardship.

Further guidance on the Government website about attending out of school settings.

The Children and Families Information Service provides free information, advice and guidance about a wide range of services, activities and entitlements for families with 0 to 19 year olds.

  • local childcare providers including brokerage service
  • free early years entitlement
  • support and advice groups
  • parent and toddler groups
  • activities for children and young people
  • services, a helpline, publications and websites
  • financial help
  • maternity and paternity rights and benefits
  • parental rights

The enquiry line is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.  When the office is closed you can leave a message on the answerphone and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

The service also provides:

Guidance for local authorities Childcare Act 2006 (PDF 2MB)

Parents' guide to choosing childcare (PDF 1.7MB)